Saturday, November 1, 2008

Note: I am cheating with this post. :-)) I first posted it on myspace, before I had this blog. I want something on my blog ASAP. I want to play catch up. So you may be reading some outdated material, but material I want out there nonetheless. Here's my post from October 3rd, the day after the VP debate:

I watched the VP debates Thursday evening along with 70 million others. (Oh, I don't feel lonely anymore!) I watch the debates for several reasons-the main one being that I don't want the media telling me what I supposedly "saw" and "heard" the night before. I prefer no filter on my lens, thank you. So I watch, and I suffer. So does my family. Because I rant, talk to the TV as though they can hear me (giving my candidate the best advice -why don't they ever listen to me??), mutter, moan, and in general get my blood pressure up. My big pet peeve: Gwen not being a good moderator: i.e. reminding the debaters of the rules they agreed to-to debate and look at EACH OTHER and ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTIONS!! However, the nails on the chalk board for me was Palin's repeated pronunciation of the word "nuclear." Someone needs to help her on this. And many other things. Then again, no. I like that she has been revealed to be the immature, uninformed, unable-to-put her-own sentences-together idiot that she is. (Katie Couric interview, CNN interview, random responses to reporters while in NY, etc.). You just have to phonetically sound the word out! There is no SECOND "U" sound in there! I do not want a potential leader of our country mispronouncing such a loaded word such as nuclear. (Even though our current one does!) There is no second "u" in NUCLEAR! It is not "NUKULAR!!" AARGH!! Anyone remember the '80s movie Broadcast News with Holly Hunter, William Hurt, and Al Brooks? If so, you feel my pain. Maybe it's an English major thing.

Merriam-Webster's online dictionary does list this as an alternate pronunciation, with the second "u" sound, but only because enough idiots have pronounced it this way!!

Ok, that's your intro to me-my first blog-a political rant- there you go. Now you know me a bit better! :-)) Didn't say you'd like me better, just that you'd know me better!


Cerwydwyn said...

Welcome to the blogosphere Rosemary! I hear you about the's kind of like having aloomium foil touched to your fillings, isn't it?

Unknown said...

Welcome! I look forward to lurking on your blog! :)